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Susan Berson and Brent Henry Recognized as Health Care Trailblazers by the National Law Journal

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Mintz Member and Chair of the firm’s Health Law and Health Care Enforcement Defense Practices Karen Lovitch, Member Laurence Freedman, Of Counsel Samantha Kingsbury, and Associates Grady Campion and Caitlin Hill co-authored the Global Overview and corresponding United States chapter of the seventh edition of Lexology’s Healthcare Enforcement & Litigation 2022. Together these pieces outlined federal enforcement priorities in 2020, including matters involving opioids, COVID-19-related fraud, Medicare, and more, and look ahead to how health care enforcement is expected to evolve in the coming year. 
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Mintz Member and Co-Chair of the firm’s Retail and Consumer Products Practice Chuck Samuels was quoted in an article published by Law360 reflecting on the departure and legacy of Elliot Kaye, former chairman and a current commissioner of the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission.
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The American Lawyer featured the arrival of renowned white collar crime, trial, and appellate lawyer Barry Bohrer as a Member in Mintz’s White Collar Defense & Government Investigations Practice in New York. In the article, Mr. Bohrer reflected on his move to Mintz and an expected uptick in enforcement in New York in 2022. The article also highlighted Mintz's growth in New York over the past several months, having added five litigators, a mergers and acquisitions attorney, and a tax attorney.
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Law360 featured the arrival of renowned white collar crime, trial, and appellate lawyer Barry Bohrer as a Member in Mintz’s White Collar Defense & Government Investigations Practice in New York. The article detailed some of Mr. Bohrer’s most high-profile and recent client representations and included commentary on why he joined Mintz. The article also quoted both Mintz Managing Member Bob Bodian and Member and Co-chair of the firm’s White Collar Defense and Government Investigations Practice Peter Chavkin on Mr. Bohrer’s reputation and quality of work.

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