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Susan Berson and Brent Henry Recognized as Health Care Trailblazers by the National Law Journal

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In an article published by Managing IP, Mintz Member Marguerite McConihe was quoted on the Department of Justice’s recent decision to move a 2020 letter to the competition section of its website and what it may signal for standard essential patent policy under the Biden administration. Ms. McConihe stated that it’s too soon to tell whether the move is a clear sign of where the Biden administration is going and added that the pending appointment of the Assistant Attorney General for Antitrust will be a better indicator of the administration’s position.
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Mintz Member and Chair of the firm’s Energy & Sustainability Practice Tom Burton was quoted in an article published by Law360 on the increasing number of businesses going public as “public benefit corporations,” which is a legal designation that signals a company's commitment to goals beyond maximizing profits. Mr. Burton said that “we’re in the early days of a real and substantial trend,” and called it a “critical and fundamental change" away from the idea of shareholder primacy.

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