Susan Berson and Brent Henry Recognized as Health Care Trailblazers by the National Law Journal
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Amazon’s Pharmacy Venture Opens New Privacy, Security Law Risks
November 30, 2020
In Bloomberg Law, Mintz Member Dianne Bourque commented on some of the state and federal privacy laws protecting patient data that Amazon will have to navigate with the launch of its new online pharmacy business.
An article published by the ABA Journal featured nonprofit Building for Good, Inc. (B4G), founded and led by Mintz Member and Co-chair of the firm’s Construction Law Practice William M. Hill, which links other nonprofits and charities with skilled pro bono construction lawyers. The article detailed some of B4G’s pilot projects in Florida, Massachusetts, Minnesota, and New Jersey, and included commentary from Mr. Hill on the organization’s mission and growing membership.
Drug Intermediaries Threaten Lawsuits to Preserve Cut of Prices
November 23, 2020
In an article published by Bloomberg Law, Mintz Member Tara E. Dwyer was quoted on the Trump administration’s proposed final rule, which is currently under review by the Office of Management and Budget, that would end legal shields for drug rebates.
How Year-End Attorney Reviews Might Look a Little Different This Year
November 23, 2020
In The American Lawyer, Mintz's Managing Member Bob Bodian addressed the firm's plan to move forward with its traditional fiscal year-end review in March, as well as steady workflow for Associates, despite the pandemic.
Trump Unveils Disputed, Long-Shot Drug Rules Upending System
November 23, 2020
In an article published by Bloomberg Law, Mintz Member Theresa C. Carnegie was quoted on the Trump administration’s proposed foreign drug pricing rule and potential legal challenges from the pharmaceutical industry.