Susan Berson and Brent Henry Recognized as Health Care Trailblazers by the National Law Journal
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INSIGHT: Easing Conflicts When Hiring in a Family Business
October 8, 2019
Mintz Member Jennifer B. Rubin authored an article published by Bloomberg Law Insights that outlines guidelines for hiring, lines of reporting, and noncompete terms of agreement in family-run companies and stresses the importance of documentation and process.
Mintz Represents Viela Bio in its IPO
October 04, 2019
Here's Advice From Patent Attorneys For Innovators
October 4, 2019
Mintz Member and Chair of the firm’s Intellectual Property Division Michael T. Renaud was quoted in an article published by the Boston Business Journal featuring advice from top patent attorneys for innovators.
#MeToo Shows 2 Years Of Progress Toward Gender Parity
October 3, 2019
Mintz Member Jennifer B. Rubin authored an article published by Law360 that evaluated the impact of the #MeToo movement on the American workplace, as well as whether and how the movement has effectuated meaningful change, two years after its inception.