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Susan Berson and Brent Henry Recognized as Health Care Trailblazers by the National Law Journal

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This column notes that as a society, we are increasingly insisting that corporations generate and measure social impact alongside profit. In this piece, Member Tom Burton and Associate Ben Stone discuss both the opportunities and challenges presented to boards of directors. Tom founded, and currently chairs, the firm’s Energy & Sustainability Practice and Ben previously served in-house in social impact roles.
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This feature article discusses how artificial intelligence solutions could be used to help answer beneficiary questions, review claims. Ellen Janos, a Member and experienced health care regulatory attorney, provides commentary within the piece.
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This article notes that the costs of litigation increase with ever more potentially responsive data, litigation technology options, and a truly global reach in the context of much litigation. In response, law firms must continue to consider viable approaches to broaching discussions surrounding the recovery of these costs both within the firm and, more importantly, with law firm clients. John Koss, Special Counsel, E-Discovery, co-authored this column.

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