Susan Berson and Brent Henry Recognized as Health Care Trailblazers by the National Law Journal
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Mintz’s William Hill Receives Appalachian Mountain Club’s Distinguished Service Award
February 09, 2018
Mintz is proud to announce that William Hill, a Member in the firm’s Boston office, has been named this year’s recipient of the Appalachian Mountain Club’s Distinguished Service Award. The AMC is a 90,000-member conservation and outdoor recreation organization.
Mintz Represents Bay Point Advisors in $6.6M Coal Sector Term Loan
February 08, 2018
Bay Point Advisors has expanded its footprint in the coal sector as the firm advanced a $6.6 million term loan to Coking Coal Financing, LLC. The loan provides funds to acquire and stockpile coal for resale, and to launch its receivables factoring program. Mintz served as Bay Point’s legal team.
How to Avoid Someone Stealing Your Restaurant Décor
February 7, 2018
Two Members in the Mintz San Diego office, litigators Andrew Skale and Ben Wagner, wrote an article published in QRS magazine on the topic of restaurant décor, specifically the importance on the part of restaurant owners to protect trade dress.
Mintz Snags Ex-Gordon & Rees Employment Pro In DC
February 5, 2018
Mintz Member O’Kelly McWilliams was featured in a February 5th article in Law360. O’Kelly recently rejoined the Washington, D.C. office. Most recently, he was the managing partner of the Gordon & Rees, LLP Washington, DC office.
Mintz Adds Wireless Tech Expert In DC
February 1, 2018
The addition of Laura Stefani, a communications and FCC Regulation attorney, was featured in a February 1st Law360 article. Laura brings extensive experience in emerging wireless technologies, including emerging technologies involving internet of things and health care.
Settlements for 3 Wall Street Banks Hold a Silver Lining
February 1, 2018
Financial services and securities litigator Therese Doherty is a Member in the Mintz New York office. She was quoted in a New York Times article regarding a $47 million settlement reached with the Commodity Futures Trading Commission and three major banks for charges related to market manipulation.