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Susan Berson and Brent Henry Recognized as Health Care Trailblazers by the National Law Journal

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This article notes the steps being taking by Republicans taking aim at the mandate in the Affordable Care Act that employers offer coverage to employees – and the reaction by many employers who are supporting the efforts.
Ellen Janos, a Member in Mintz’s health law practice, quoted in Bloomberg BNA regarding the upcoming information blocking ruling and whether or not it will curb the blocking of the exchange of health data.

Hard Labor

January 11, 2018

Susan Cohen, the Chair of Mintz’s Immigration practice, was quoted in an article on the topic of President Trump’s crackdown on immigration laws, which threatens the farm labor workforce in California.
Ellen Janos is a Member in the Health Law Practice at Mintz. The government issued a draft of the Trusted Exchange Framework, released on January 5th, encouraging health-data networks to link up and provide access to each other.

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