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Susan Berson and Brent Henry Recognized as Health Care Trailblazers by the National Law Journal

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Keith Carroll, Co-chair of the Mintz Sports Industry Practice, was featured in this SportsBusiness Daily profile. The article touches upon several key facts and points of interest in Keith’s life and career.
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Mitch Danzig, a Member of the Mintz San Diego office, and Natalie Prescott, an Associate in the same office, were featured in an AmLaw Litigation Daily article covering the sanctions granted to CrossFit in its legal proceedings responding to alleged injury claims.
Mintz's Sue Finegan discusses the access to justice movement by appellate lawyers using the due process clause of both the state and federal constitutions to advocate for a constitutionally based right to counsel. 
Ellyn Sternfield, a Health Law attorney and Special Counsel of the Mintz Washington, D.C. office, was featured in a Bloomberg BNA article discussing the decline in health care fraud recoveries in the first half of the Fiscal Year 2017.
Mintz's Joshua Briones, Esteban Morales, and Natalie Prescott authored an article in The Daily Journal covering a Kentucky federal court dismissal of a lawsuit brought by a drone pilot against the “Drone Slayer.”
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Mintz achieved another victory for client CrossFit, Inc. in an ongoing dispute against the National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA). In this latest victory, the Court imposed harsh evidentiary, issue, and monetary sanctions against the NSCA.

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