Susan Berson and Brent Henry Recognized as Health Care Trailblazers by the National Law Journal
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California Joins the Ban-the-Box Bandwagon
July 5, 2017
Jen Rubin, a Member in Mintz’s San Diego office, authored this piece about California’s new Ban the Box regulation. The piece notes that the regulation raises the bar employers must clear in order to inquire about past convictions when speaking with applicants and employees.
Social media vetting: What's Form DS-5535 and how will it impact U.S. visa applications?
July 3, 2017
Susan Cohen, founder and Chair of Mintz’s Immigration Practice, was featured in The American Bazaar discussion of the new visa protocol, Form DS-5535.
Tweets, Facebook posts can lead to students being denied US education under new visa protocol
July 3, 2017
Member and Chair of Mintz’s Immigration Practice Susan Cohen was quoted in this article from The America Bazaar on new requirements that visa applicants provide all of their social media and email account information from the past five years.
The Bar at 45: Solidifying the Bar’s Future
July 1, 2017
Washington, D.C. attorney Don Davis was featured in a Washington Lawyer article on the 45th anniversary of the Washington, D.C. Bar. The article discusses how the Bar has achieved its goals of unity and efficacy that were established at its conception.
Kim Marrkand, Co-Chair of Mintz’s Insurance, Reinsurance, Investigations & Risk Management Practice, is included in this Forbes article on the American Law Institute’s (ALI) Restatement of the Law, Liability Insurance (RLLI).