Susan Berson and Brent Henry Recognized as Health Care Trailblazers by the National Law Journal
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This article covers the uproar following the announcement of President Trump’s travel ban, and how large companies stand in opposition to it.
Nearly 100 Companies File Legal Brief Opposing Trump's Travel Ban
February 6, 2017
This feature article relates how, following the announcement of President Trump’s temporary travel ban, nearly 100 companies joined a legal brief opposing the ban.
Target Data Breach Deal's Hiccup Puts Focus On Standing
February 2, 2017
Mintz Member Kevin McGinty is quoted in this feature article focusing on Target’s $10 million class action settlement, which allowed Target to avoid multiple data breach claims, as well as the future of the terms of privacy and data security pacts.
Interview the Expert: An Interview With Tom Burton
February 2, 2017
This Q&A is conducted with Mintz Member Tom Burton who is founder and Chair of the firm’s Energy Technology Practice. The interview is conducted by Marcus McInnis, Director of Operations for Lockheed Martin’s Cybersecurity Innovation Center.
The Deal Economy: Winning Deal Strategies
February 2, 2017
Mintz Names Daniel T. Pascucci Managing Member of San Diego Office
February 02, 2017
Mintz is pleased to announce the appointment of Daniel T. Pascucci as Managing Member of its San Diego office. Mr. Pascucci assumed the duties on January 9.