Susan Berson and Brent Henry Recognized as Health Care Trailblazers by the National Law Journal
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How boards can decide whether to chase overseas assets
April 27, 2017
Co-authored by Members Joseph Dunn and Daniel Pascucci and attorney Heather Silver, this article discusses the steps boards should take in deciding whether further investment in pursuing transferred assets.
5 Ways Trump Could Change Food Safety Compliance
April 26, 2017
Joanne Hawana, an attorney in Mintz’s FDA and Fraud & Abuse, Compliance & Regulatory Counseling Practices, is included in this piece which discusses changes the Trump administration could make to Food Safety Compliance and the dangers of lawsuits against the government amid deregulatory efforts.
Tax plan would eliminate most tax deductions, loopholes, leaving tax-exempt bond market worried
April 26, 2017
This article discusses the Trump administration’s tax plan, which involves cuts in tax rates and the elimination of tax deductions and loopholes for the wealthy. Mintz Member Charles Samuels is among the industry sources quoted.
Eight Mintz attorneys have been named Washington, D.C. Super Lawyers for 2017 and four have been named Washington, D.C. Rising Stars. The list will be published in a special advertising supplement in The Washington Post Magazine and in a stand-alone magazine, Washington D.C. Super Lawyers Magazine.
Mintz Attorney Susan M. Finegan Receives 2017 Woman of the Year Award from Women’s Law Center at Boston College Law School
April 24, 2017
Susan M. Finegan, a Member of Mintz's Litigation Practice and Chair of the Pro Bono Committee, has been selected as the 2017 Woman of the Year on behalf of the Women’s Law Center at Boston College Law School.
Discord Between Ballad Health and the FTC
April 23, 2017
Member and leader of the firm’s Antitrust practice Bruce Sokler is among those providing insight in this piece discussing strife between the Federal Trade Commission and a proposed hospital merger, to be known as Ballad Health.