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Susan Berson and Brent Henry Recognized as Health Care Trailblazers by the National Law Journal

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Mintz Member Len Weiser-Varon is quoted in the Wall Street Journal on the new tax law that will allow all consumers with 529 ABLE savings program eligibility to select any state’s sponsored plan, not just that of their home state.
Kevin McGinty, a Member of Mintz’s Litigation Practice, is featured in this Data Breach Today coverage discussing a Massachusetts judge's decision to allow a class-action lawsuit to proceed.
Member Jen Rubin is quoted in this SHRM article on the need to curb heated political discussions in the workplace, advising taking action “to avoid the implicit or explicit suggestion that voting choices or political leaning in one direction or another are expectations of continued employment.”
Stephen Silveira of ML Strategies is quoted in this Boston Globe article about the difficulties and challenges surrounding major infrastructure projects. Steve has served a Chair of the Commonwealth’s Transportation Finance Commission and worked at the Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority.

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