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Susan Berson and Brent Henry Recognized as Health Care Trailblazers by the National Law Journal

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Associate Nicole Rivers was quoted in a SHRM article providing insights on workplace behavior policies in the context of a recent case where an Alabama nurse lost a racial discrimination and retaliation lawsuit against Crestwood Healthcare.

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Member Terri Shieh-Newton, PhD spoke to PharmaVoice about ethical issues in the biopharma industry, particularly as artificial intelligence presents new challenges around safeguarding data and privacy.

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In a Report on Patient Privacy article, Members Dianne Bourque and Lara Compton shed light on the termination of HIPAA enforcement discretions post-COVID-19. The HHS Office for Civil Rights officially reinstated its authority over telehealth on August 9, necessitating a rapid reassessment of compliance for covered entities and business associates.

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Associate Delaney Busch was quoted by American Lawyer in an article discussing post-pandemic workplace and the need for employers to avoid any potential discrimination as the lines of what defines the workplace are now blurry.

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ESG Co-chair Jen Rubin, and Associates Danielle Dillon and Evan Piercey co-authored an article in Law360 on the US Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit's rejection of a challenge to Nasdaq's diversity rule.

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BOSTON – Mintz is pleased to announce that Alain Mathieu has been included in the Greater Boston Chamber of Commerce’s Ten Outstanding Young Leaders list for 2023.

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