Susan Berson and Brent Henry Recognized as Health Care Trailblazers by the National Law Journal
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Climate Disclosures?!
July 14, 2021
Mintz Member Jacob Hupart was interviewed by Legal Talk Today to discuss the recent G7 summit and the possibility that American Corporations may be forced to make “climate disclosures” to other nations in their financial reports.
An article published by Inside EPA quoted Mintz Member and Chair of the firm’s Environmental Law Practice Jeff Porter on a recent ruling in Conservation Law Foundation (CLF) v. ExxonMobil, which highlights a growing concern over whether courts or EPA has the most authority in administering highly technical aspects of the Clean Water Act (CWA).
Mintz Member and Chair of the firm’s Intellectual Property Division Michael Renaud was quoted in an article published by Bloomberg Law on an upcoming trial before a U.K. court in a patent battle between Apple Inc. and Optis Cellular Technology LLC involving iPhones and other devices and its implications for global standard-essential patent disputes.