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Susan Berson and Brent Henry Recognized as Health Care Trailblazers by the National Law Journal

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Mintz Member Joanne S. Hawana was quoted in an analysis article published by Law360 on the biggest COVID-19 product scams and actions taken by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to tackle fraudsters during the ongoing crisis.
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Mintz Member and Chair of the firm’s Privacy & Cybersecurity Practice Cynthia Larose was quoted in an article published by Bloomberg Law on the legal implications of a hack of Microsoft’s Exchange email software for small and medium-sized organizations, which are unlikely to have the resources to handle the data breach quickly and effectively.
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Mintz Member and Chair of the firm’s Environmental Law Practice Jeffrey R. Porter was quoted in article published by Inside EPA on a potential increase in Clean Water Act (CWA) citizen suits in the wake of County of Maui v. Hawaii Wildlife Fund and how the Biden administration may issue new guidance on the landmark U.S. Supreme Court ruling.
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Mintz Member Angela Y. Kung was featured in an article published by the WIA Blog highlighting women of the wireless infrastructure industry. Ms. Kung shared her most memorable achievement from this past year and emphasized the importance of closing the digital divide.
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Mintz Member and Founding Chair of the firm’s Immigration Practice Susan Cohen was quoted in an article published by The Wall Street Journal on how entrepreneurs, venture capitalists, and others are urging the Biden administration to revive the International Entrepreneur Rule, an Obama-era immigration program allowing foreign startup founders to remain in the United States without a visa to grow their companies.

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