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Susan Berson and Brent Henry Recognized as Health Care Trailblazers by the National Law Journal

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Mintz Member John T. Rudy was quoted in an article published by Law360 on companies in the health care and energy industries updating their risk disclosures to warn investors of potential policy changes that could harm their businesses under a Biden administration. Mr. Rudy said that he expects companies will review disclosures from past years and update accordingly.
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Mintz Member and Founding Chair of the firm’s Immigration Practice Susan Cohen was quoted in an article published by Bloomberg Law on the Biden administration’s anticipated focus on workplace visa reform, which could be delayed by a pending federal court ruling from Texas, where several state attorneys general have sued to invalidate the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program.
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Mintz Members Brian P. Dunphy, Joanne S. Hawana, and Jennifer B. Rubin co-authored a Bloomberg Law insights column examining potential legal liabilities for employers implementing Covid-19 workplace vaccination programs, explaining that immunity under the federal Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness Act (PREP Act) is not absolute.

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