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Susan Berson and Brent Henry Recognized as Health Care Trailblazers by the National Law Journal

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In this blog post, Mintz attorney Ben Stone offers readers guidelines into their Public Benefit Corporations (“PBCs”) fundraising strategy, to put them well on their way to raising transformative capital.
Mintz Member Jason Halperin quoted in this article on behalf of his client, Jerry Media, saying that Olorunfemi Coker, also known as @iamFemiFactor on Twitter, had no legal claim to the meme.
Attorney Jason Halperin addresses Coker’s lawyer filing a notice of voluntary dismissal — only two days after it was filed.
Within 48 hours of initiating a copyright infringement suit against FJerry LLC, Elliot Tebele, Jerry Media and Tebele’s tequila venture JAJA Spirits for allegedly stealing a meme and posting it on the popular @fuckjerry Instagram, legal counsel for “content creator” Olorunfemi Coker filed to voluntarily dismiss the case without prejudice.

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