Susan Berson and Brent Henry Recognized as Health Care Trailblazers by the National Law Journal
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New Life for Money Market Mutual Fund Fix
March 13, 2019
Mintz Member Chuck Samuels discusses a bill that issuers of municipal bonds say would both lower their borrowing costs and give them more investing flexibility is back on the table after failing to become law in the previous Congress.
Mintz’s Terri Shieh-Newton shares her insights on gender equity, how to fix USPTO, and the most exciting thing in biotech today.
Where in the World Is the Gig Economy Working?
March 12, 2019
Attorney Brendan Lowd cautions that employers must dedicate significant financial and personnel resources to make sure they are prepared to address a number of wide ranging employment issues when any natural disaster causes disarray in the workplace.
As Boston's tech transactions scene stays hot, Ed Pease and Larry Naughton are bringing their practices to Mintz from Wilmer and Choate, respectively.
In this article, Mintz Member Tyrone Thomas discusses the college cheating scandal which involves sneaking in a non-athlete by exploiting the lower academic standards that some schools allow for sports recruits.