Susan Berson and Brent Henry Recognized as Health Care Trailblazers by the National Law Journal
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Things We've Learned As The PTAB Turns 5
September 12, 2017
Intellectual Property Member Steve Akerley was quoted in an article in Law360 discussing the effects of the Patent Trial and Appeal Board on patent litigation over the past five years, citing it as one of the two things that have “really impacted the state of play in patent law”.
Mintz Member and Co-Chair of the firm’s Antitrust Practice Joseph M. Miller co-authored an article published by Competition Policy International on Anthem Inc.’s proposed merger with Cigna Corp. and its implications regarding how the Antitrust Division of the Department of Justice approaches bringing monopsony allegations in the health plan merger context.
From Migrant Field Worker to Big Law Managing Partner—The Remarkable Journey of Joshua Briones
September 6, 2017
Los Angeles office Managing Member Joshua Briones is profiled in this The American Lawyer article. The feature story explores Joshua’s upbringing as a migrant field worker to putting himself through law school to his arrival at Mintz.
50 Influential Leaders
September 6, 2017
Dan Pascucci, Managing Member of Mintz’s San Diego office was featured as one of the Top 50 Influential Leaders by The Daily Transcript. Each year, this program honors the people who help drive and influence San Diego’s growth and prosperity.
Mintz’s Susan Finegan Receives Yvette C. Mendez Award from the Volunteer Lawyers Project
September 05, 2017
Mintz Member Susan Finegan is the recipient of the 2017 Volunteer Lawyers Project Yvette C. Mendez award for her dedication to making the Pro Bono Appellate Project a success.
Upcoming decisions will reveal whether the ITC still welcomes standard essential patents
September 1, 2017
Mintz Members and intellectual property attorneys Mike Renaud, Aarti Shah and Jim Wodarski collaborated on an article published by Financier Worldwide Magazine discussing standard-essential patents.