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Susan Berson and Brent Henry Recognized as Health Care Trailblazers by the National Law Journal

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Mintz Member and Chair of the firm’s Environmental Law Practice Jeff Porter authored an article published by the American College of Environmental Lawyers examining the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ most recent proposed definition of “Waters of the United States."
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Mintz Member and Founding Chair of the firm’s Immigration Practice Susan Cohen was quoted in a Boston Herald op-ed column written by Jeff Robbins, a Boston lawyer and former U.S. delegate to the United Nations Human Rights Commission, responding to Republican Sen. John Kennedy of Louisiana's questioning of Saule Omarova, President Biden’s pick to serve as Comptroller of the Currency. The article made reference to Ms. Cohen's new book, “Journeys from There to Here,” which explores the incredible journeys of 11 immigrants forging a new life in the United States.
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Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly featured Mintz Member and Founding Chair of the firm’s Immigration Practice Susan Cohen surrounding the publication of her new book, “Journeys from There to Here,” which explores the incredible journeys of 11 immigrants forging a new life in the United States. In the article, Ms. Cohen discussed what drove her to embark on the book project, how she engaged clients and collaborated on the writing process, and some of her most notable and meaningful book endorsements.

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