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Susan Berson and Brent Henry Recognized as Health Care Trailblazers by the National Law Journal

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Although the construction industry has largely been able to operate during the COVID-19 pandemic, there nevertheless have been many construction-related bankruptcy filings throughout the United States. In a Q&A article published by Thomson Reuters Practical Law, Mintz Member and Co-chair of the firm's Construction Law Practice Samuel M. Tony Starr and Associates Caitlin Hill and Timothy McKeon discussed how owners and developers can protect their businesses and projects from downstream distress.
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In advance of an upcoming speaking engagement, the Pittsburgh Jewish Chronicle published a feature on Mintz Member and Founding Chair of the firm's Immigration Practice Susan Cohen's immigration law work and her new book, “Journeys from There to Here,” which explores the incredible journeys of 11 immigrants forging a new life in the United States.
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Law360 reported that the Netherlands Insurance Co. and Excelsior Insurance Co. will not have to cover their client's multimillion-dollar settlement with an automobile glass manufacturer over alleged violations of the Telephone Consumer Protection Act after the Massachusetts Appeals Court reversed a lower judge's finding. The article noted that the insurers are represented by Mintz Member, Founder & Co-chair of the firm’s Insurance Practice Kim Marrkand, Member and Co-chair of the Insurance Practice Nancy Adams, and Associate Lavinia Weizel.
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Mintz Member Jason P.W. Halperin, a former federal prosecutor, provided insight in an article published by The Washington Post on a juror issue in Ghislaine’s Maxwell’s recent sex-trafficking and conspiracy conviction, which defense lawyers are arguing warrants a new trial.

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