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Susan Berson and Brent Henry Recognized as Health Care Trailblazers by the National Law Journal

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Environmental Law Chair Jeff Porter spoke with the National Law Journal about the Environmental Protection Agency’s recent win, in which a federal district court rejected a challenge to the agency’s narrowed ‘waters of the United States’ definition.

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Environmental Law Chair Jeff Porter was quoted by EHS Daily Advisor on the Supreme Court’s review of the City and County of San Francisco’s appeal of their Clean Water Act NPDES permit.

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A Mintz team led by Corporate Members Jim McKnight and Joe Ronca advised Altamira Technologies Corporation on its acquisition of Virginia Systems & Technology, Inc. This strategic acquisition expanded Altamira’s capabilities and national security customer portfolio, while winning “Deal of the Year” in the “Under $50 Million” category at ACG National Capital’s 22nd Annual Corporate Growth Awards.

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