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In Precia Jones v. SEPTA, the Third Circuit Court of Appeals last week joined six sister courts in finding that a suspension with pay typically does not constitute an “adverse employment action” within the meaning of Title VII and analogous Pennsylvania law.
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In a mild surprise given the current constitution of the Board (read – majority appointed by President Obama), the NLRB declined to assert jurisdiction in ruling on the petition of Northwestern University’s scholarship football players to unionize.
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A Seventh Circuit panel recently overruled its own precedent to hold that a defendant’s offer of full compensation in an offer of judgment under Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 68 does not moot the litigation.
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We are pleased to report that Employment Matters was recently ranked as the No. 1 Employment Law Blog and the No. 10 overall Legal Blog in LexBlog’s AmLaw 200 Blog Benchmark Report, which you can read here.
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Over the course of a career many workers experience the displeasure of dealing with a difficult supervisor — the type of individual whose mere presence in the workplace is a source of dread and whose name inspires feelings of fear and loathing whenever it appears on a subordinate’s caller ID or the sender line of an email.
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Recently, the First Circuit Court of Appeals held that former employees of a FEMA call center could not proceed in their Title VII location-based disparate impact and retaliation claims against the agency.
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The IRS recently issued draft 2015 Instructions for Forms 1094-C and 1095-C (“2015 Instructions”).
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Our colleague, Pam Greene, wrote an excellent post on our sister blog, Securities Matters, on the SEC's final rule requiring public companies to disclose the ratio of their CEO"s annual total compensation to that of the median annual total compensation of all company employees.
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Can an employer escape a treble damage award under the Massachusetts Wage Act where it makes a late payment of final wages to a fired employee after the employee filed a wage complaint with the state Attorney General but before the employee filed a complaint with the court?  That is the question which a Massachusetts Superior Court recently answered in the affirmative.
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Yes I realize that had my Corporate Divorce series progressed in a linear way, I would have started with The Courtship instead of The Break Up, but employment law metaphors are sometimes unpredictable. In my defense, I note that if you end up in divorce, you must have started with marriage, so there is a certain logic to this after all.
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The New York Times reported yesterday that it received a draft executive order marked “pre-decisional and deliberative,” which contemplates granting a minimum of 56 hours of paid sick leave per year to employees of federal contractors and subcontractors.
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We have frequently written about the increasing likelihood that courts will enforce arbitration agreements to resolve a broad range of issues arising out of the employment relationship.
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We are pleased to report that Employment Matters was recently ranked as the No. 1 Employment Law Blog and the No. 10 overall Legal Blog in LexBlog’s AmLaw 200 Blog Benchmark Report, which you can read here.  These rankings are based on overall traffic so we absolutely could not have done this without our readers (that’s you!).
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Alden Bianchi, Chair of Mintz Levin’s Employee Benefits & Executive Compensation Practice, will provide a weekly installment on the complex reporting obligations outlined by the Affordable Care Act for health insurance carriers and employers. In this 24-week series, Alden will explain key requirements as he counts down to the January 2016 ACA reporting deadlines.
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The California paid sick leave law provided a significant boon to employees not included under employers’ sick leave or paid time off policies, but it often created more questions than answers for companies. How do we calculate one hour of paid sick leave for salaried employees?
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Paying the Price for I-9 Non-compliance

July 30, 2015 | Blog | By David Barmak

If you're an employer and not following our Immigration Law blog, you should be. On it, one of my colleagues, Lisa Redepenning, has recently reported on a case in which an employer was penalized more than $600,000 for failing to  properly examine and document its employees’ identity and immigration status.
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Narges Kakalia, a member in the litigation section in our New York office, recently sat down with Mintz alumna Flora Feng, Senior Director & Legal Counsel, Asia Pacific Region for PepsiCo to discuss career transitions, the cultural differences of working in Thailand, and work-life balance.
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The NLRB recently reversed 37 years of precedent in deciding to adopt a new standard for a union’s access to witness statements taken in pre-grievance arbitration employer investigations.
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Employing Minors Requires Attention to Laws (SHRM)

July 27, 2015 | Blog | By David Barmak

My colleague Bret Cohen was quoted in a Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) Online article entitled, “Employing Minors Requires Attention to Laws” (membership required), addressing some of the constraints that apply to the hiring of minors.
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Alden Bianchi, Chair of Mintz Levin's Employee Benefits & Executive Compensation Practice, will provide a weekly installment on the complex reporting obligations outlined by the Affordable Care Act for health insurance carriers and employers. In this 24-week series, Alden will explain key requirements as he counts down to the January 2016 ACA reporting deadlines.
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