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Environmental Enforcement Defense


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Energy & Sustainability Viewpoints Thumbnail

Read about the SEC’s long-awaited final rule concerning climate disclosures, entitled “The Enhancement and Standardization of Climate-Related Disclosures for Investors,” which mandates disclosures of climate-related information by US capital markets participants.

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Energy & Sustainability Viewpoints Thumbnail

Read about the US Supreme Court decision in West Virginia v. EPA, which limited the EPA’s authority under the Clean Air Act to devise emissions caps, and the SEC’s recent focus on climate disclosures and green investing.

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Environmental Viewpoint Image
You don’t see a unanimous decision of the United States Supreme Court very often, especially in an environmental case, but that’s what happened this week when the Court held that for an area to be “critical habitat” of an endangered species, it first had to be habitat.
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Environmental Viewpoint Image
I’ve been an environmental lawyer for thirty years. That’s how long the jurisdictional reach of the Federal Clean Water Act has been unsettled. Sometime in the next few months the newly more Conservative United States Supreme Court will decide whether to grant either of two petitions to review diametrically opposed Federal Appeals Court answers to the question of whether the Clean Water Act applies to discharges to groundwater, one very important facet of the three decade old question already considered by the Supreme Court three times.
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