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False Claims Act

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Mintz’s annual report on False Claims Act case activity analyzes data from the DOJ and the firm’s Health Care Qui Tam Database, and explores the 2023 spike in FCA case activity, the ongoing moderate decline in health care–related activity, and continuing

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In early March 2024 at the American Bar Association’s 39th National Institute on White Collar Crime, Deputy Attorney General (DAG) Lisa Monaco’s keynote remarks previewed the development of new and significant Department of Justice (DOJ or the Department) policy initiatives. Her speech reemphasized many of DOJ’s key themes throughout the current administration, including individual accountability, the importance of strong corporate compliance programs, incentivizing voluntary self-disclosure of misconduct, and adapting to keep up with disruptive technologies such as artificial intelligence.


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In 2023, DOJ announced significant updates to the Criminal Division’s Corporate Enforcement Policy, the agency’s Voluntary Self-Disclosure Policy for corporate criminal enforcement, and a new safe harbor for voluntary self-disclosures made in connection with M&A deals, all aimed at incentivizing companies to self-disclose their misconduct.

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