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Privacy & Cybersecurity


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As we previously noted, recent SEC actions on the topic of cybersecurity indicates increased SEC focus and likely heralds the coming of enforcement actions against public companies for cyber breaches. On the front end, companies can mitigate their risk by ensuring their cyber preparedness in the event of an attack, which, increasingly,  appear to be all but inevitable.
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One of the biggest gaps in coverage in D&O coverage today is the lack of meaningful coverage for investigations.  Although at first glance the policy language may look like it provides sufficient coverage, the reality is that the way most policies are written, it is almost impossible to trigger coverage in an SEC or Department of Justice investigation simply because the policy language does not match up to the reality of how those investigations are conducted.
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Directors never want to be in the unenviable position of having to seek coverage under their D&O policy. Nevertheless the D&O policy is an indispensable corporate expense, particularly in the case of public companies, where exposures can be much higher.
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Last week, the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission’s Office of Compliance Inspections and Examinations (OCIE) released a Risk Alert announcing its Cybersecurity Initiative.  
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A data breach is not a unitary or self-contained event. The fallout from a breach could impact the directors as well. A security breach may lead to an investigation or an enforcement action by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).
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Each day this week, we are going to explore some of the issues in the rapidly growing area of cyberliability. We will examine the recent increase in focus on privacy issues, why directors should be concerned, the top questions directors should ask when it comes to coverage for cyber investigations, and what kind of cover is available for privacy violations.
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Privacy Monday: Cinco de Mayo, 2014

May 5, 2014 | Blog | By Cynthia Larose

Happy Cinco de Mayo!
Breaking news this Privacy Monday: The fallout from the massive Target Corporation data breach continues. This morning, the Target board announced that Chief Executive Officer Gregg Steinhafel has resigned effective immediately.
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In the background to the current discussions, of course, we have lurking the behemoth of the draft Regulation that is very likely to replace the current Directive that governs privacy in the EU.
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C-suite executives and board members are becoming more concerned about the risks posed to their companies by cyberattacks and data breaches.
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Regulators Speak at IAPP Breakfast Meeting in NYC

May 2, 2014 | Blog | By Cynthia Larose

Some important takeaways to start your weekend:
Data Breach Incidents—Especially “Ransom” Incidents, are on the Rise—One panelist observed that the New York State Attorney General’s Office received reports of approximately 900 data breach incidents during the past year alone.
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Two days ago, we heard that Target Corporation has brought in an information security heavy hitter to oversee the company's post-breach data security and technology operations. Now we learn that its home base of operations, Minnesota, is the latest state to propose a legislative reaction to the Target data breach.
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Companies today need to be thinking of cyber risk management as part of their overall corporate risk management.
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Privacy Monday - April 28, 2014

April 28, 2014 | Blog | By Cynthia Larose

For the last Monday in April, we have a few privacy and security bits and bytes to start your week.
Trending Now - 5 Things Every Company's Data Security Program Should Include
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FTC Updates COPPA FAQs to Address Education Space

April 25, 2014 | Blog | By Cynthia Larose

The FTC has just published updates to the COPPA FAQs, the Commission’s compliance guide for businesses and consumers, to address the applicability of COPPA and the Amended COPPA Rule to educational institutions and businesses that provide online services, including mobile apps, to educational institutions.
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How much is the cost of doing nothing when it comes to encryption of sensitive data? In the case of electronic protected health information, about $2 million.
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NYC Women in Intellectual Property Discuss Cybersecurity

April 23, 2014 | Blog | By Cynthia Larose

Yesterday, Mintz Levin attended a panel breakfast sponsored by the New York City Bar's Committee on Women in Intellectual Property. The panel featured two practitioners, one from the public sector and one from the private sector.
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Get your updated Mintz Matrix!

April 22, 2014 | Blog | By Cynthia Larose

As our readers know, we maintain a summary of the US state data breach notification laws, which we refer to as the “Mintz Matrix.” We update the Mintz Matrix on a quarterly basis, or more frequently if developments dictate.
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Privacy Monday - April 21, 2014

April 21, 2014 | Blog | By Cynthia Larose

Today is the running of the 118th Boston Marathon.
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Video Interview: Discussing Heartbleed with LXBN TV

April 18, 2014 | Blog | By Cynthia Larose

As a follow-up to our commentary here on the headline-grabbing Heartbleed bug, I had the opportunity to discuss the subject with Colin O'Keefe of LXBN. In the brief interview, I explain how companies should respond to the bug and the uncertainty surrounding the liability they may face.
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Privacy & Security Bits and Bytes

April 18, 2014 | Blog | By Cynthia Larose

There has been so much news swirling in the data privacy and security world in the last few days, that it has been difficult to keep up.  We'll give you a roundup here for your Friday and weekend reading.
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