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On Wednesday, the U.S. Senate overwhelmingly passed the 21st Century Cures Act (the “Act”) by a vote of 94 to 5.  Spearheaded by Michigan Representative Frank Upton, the bill now heads to President Obama who has promised to sign it. The Act is ambitious, and will impact a wide swath of the U.S. health care system.
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A Trump victory was not the only surprise on election night. California’s drug pricing initiative, which would have required state agencies to negotiate drug prices at least as low as those paid by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, was defeated by a wide margin (46% to 54%).
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Before we all turn our full attention to the nominations of Representative Tom Price as Secretary of Health and Human Services, and policy consultant Seema Verma to lead CMS, we need to remember that there are still approximately 45 days remaining in the current administration.
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As we reported earlier this week, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Office for Civil Rights described a phishing campaign that is attempting to convince recipients of their inclusion in OCR's Phase 2 audit program.
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The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Office for Civil Rights (OCR) published an alert on Monday describing a phishing campaign disguised as an email from OCR. The email is being circulated on mock HHS letterhead under the signature of OCR's Director Jocelyn Samuels and is being sent to HIPAA covered entities and their business associates.
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The Future of the Medicare Part B Payment Demo under a Republican-held Congress

November 29, 2016 | Blog | By Theresa Carnegie, Lauren Moldawer

There has been much controversy over the Medicare Part B payment demonstration proposed by the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation (CMMI) in March 2016.
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Making the Sausage: Medicaid Block Grants in the 115th Congress

November 28, 2016 | Blog | By Bridgette Keller

Republicans have been talking about remodeling the Medicaid program through block grants or per capita caps for years. Both block grants and per capita caps are designed to limit federal spending by providing a state with a set amount of federal money to fund its Medicaid program.
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The Children’s Health Insurance Program (“CHIP”), created in 1997, helps states provide health care coverage to low-income children up to age 19 whose families fall above the Medicaid eligibility threshold but are unable to afford private insurance.
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The Massachusetts Department of Public Health (DPH) continues its efforts to revise its regulations to comply with Executive Order 562, which requires all state agencies to review its regulations.
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Most of the post-election discussion of the ACA has focused on how promises to repeal the law could impact the newly insured. But one priority area of the ACA that has received very little discussion is the federal government's strategy to try to reign in health care costs by reducing volume and promoting quality.
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Five Important Themes to Watch in the Reform of FDA’s Off-Label Communications Policy

November 21, 2016 | Blog | By Joanne Hawana, Benjamin Zegarelli

As we’ve previously reported, the FDA has recently been forced to reexamine its legal position and enforcement policies related to drug and device manufacturers’ off-label communications.
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Will Republicans Embrace CMMI’s Authority?

November 18, 2016 | Blog | By Lauren Moldawer

The Affordable Care Act (ACA) and the Medicare and CHIP Reauthorization Act (MACRA) provided the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) and the newly created Center for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation (CMMI) tremendous authority.  With Republicans set to take control of both the White House and Congress, the future of that authority is very much in question.
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In non-election news, the Office for Civil Rights (OCR) at the Department of Health and Human Services recently released its November Cyber Awareness Newsletter. 
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As is well known, drug prices have been widely discussed nationally. They have been the subject of Congressional hearings and, in the case of Mylan, a high profile settlement.
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As we look ahead to the 115th Congress, Republicans are likely to take up repeal and replacement of the Affordable Care Act.  Repeal and Replace is more accurately described as a transition where Republicans design a version of health care reform they will own and defend. 
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As we look ahead to the 115th Congress, Republicans are likely to take up repeal and replacement of the Affordable Care Act (ACA). Repeal and Replace is more accurately described as a transition where Republicans design a version of health care reform they will own and defend.
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2017 OIG Work Plan: For Medicare Plans

November 16, 2016 | Blog | By Tara E. Dwyer

Last week, the OIG posted its Work Plan for 2017.  In it, the OIG announced many goals touching on programs including, but not limited to, Medicare, Medicaid, Insurance Marketplace (Health Exchanges), Indian Health Service, TANF and Head Start.  Below are some of the OIG’s action items that Medicare Advantage and Part D plans should be aware of.
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As we look ahead to the 115th Congress, Republicans are likely to take up repeal and replacement of the Affordable Care Act. Repeal and replace is more accurately described as a transition where Republicans design a version of health care reform they will own and defend.
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FDA to Study Social Media Promotion

November 15, 2016 | Blog | By Benjamin Zegarelli

On November 7, 2016, FDA announced in the Federal Register its plan to research methods for including risk information about pharmaceutical and medical device products in promotional Internet communications that have character space limitations, such as sponsored links and microblogs.
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2017 MA and Part D Audit Protocols and Data Requests are Open for Comment

November 14, 2016 | Blog | By Lauren Moldawer, Tara E. Dwyer

CMS issued its Audit Protocols and Data Requests for Medicare Advantage and Part D plans on November 4, 2016 (the “Protocols”). The Protocols have been updated based on the over 500 comments CMS received in response to the draft released in June.
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