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Sustainable Energy & Infrastructure


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Congratulations to our client AeroShield and its co-founders, Elise Strobach and Kyle Wilke, on being selected as a regional winner at the Cleantech Open Northeast Accelerator Program 2019 Regional Finals, which took place in New York City on Thursday, September 26. AeroShield is a Cambridge-based startup that manufactures a super-insulating, porous glass for energy efficient windows.
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Read the latest round of M&A activity in the energy and sustainability space.
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This month, we are pleased to feature Titan Advanced Energy Solutions (Titan AES), a company that has produced cutting-edge technology to increase battery charge capacity and significantly extend overall battery life. Founded by two entrepreneurs, Shawn Murphy and Sean O’Day, the company recently closed a Series A financing deal to advance its products and sales.
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Read the latest energy policy updates coming out of the Capitol, including updates on National Energy Awareness Month, recent energy bills approved by the Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources, and several other new energy bills introduced in Congress during the past month.
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At the recent Blockchain in Energy conference hosted by Greentech Media (GTM), the theme was entirely clear: the perception of blockchain in the energy industry has matured from proclaiming blockchain a disruptive panacea that would completely vault a heavily regulated industry into the transactive grid of the future to placing blockchain as a tool in the firmament of the technology stack for the currently transitioning grid
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MassCEC Upcoming Programs

September 27, 2019 | Blog | By Sahir Surmeli

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Read the latest round of M&A activity in the energy and sustainability space.
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Read the latest energy policy updates coming out of the Capitol, including updates on temporary tax provisions for energy, upcoming legislative hearings for the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee, and the Proposed Strategic Energy for America (SEA) Act.
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This issue includes a feature on Internet of Things strategies for the energy sector, energy-related M&A activity, energy updates from Washington, and upcoming events.
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Don’t miss this month’s exciting events, including “Horizon19” in Boston and “CleanTechIQ’s Powering Up Indoor Agriculture Forum” in New York. Learn more here.
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Whether thinking about managing oil and gas, water or other infrastructure facilities, or considering industrial efficiency, robotics and automation, you may be pondering how the Internet of Things (IoT) can be used to leverage resources. Forward thinking strategies include not just staying on top of regulatory changes that affect the IoT ecosystem, but also influencing them.

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Read the latest round of M&A activity in the energy and sustainability space.
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Energy & Sustainability Client Feature: Mintz’s Ben Stone Speaks with Solstice Co-founders Steph Speirs and Sandhya Murali.
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Congress started its annual summer recess on August 5, with the House and Senate both scheduled to return to Washington on September 9 for a three-week work period before returning to their states and districts for the first two weeks of October.
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This issue includes a feature on New York’s offshore wind energy deal, a podcast discussion with Solstice co-founders Steph Speirs and Sandhya Murali, recent energy-related M&A activity, energy updates from Washington, and upcoming events.
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Get a first glimpse of the Cleantech Open 2019 cohort of start-ups! The oldest and largest cleantech start-up accelerator program and business plan competition, Cleantech Open helps connect entrepreneurs with the resources they need to succeed.
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As the latest step in New York’s hard-driving clean energy agenda, Governor Andrew Cuomo announced the approval of a major offshore wind energy deal while signing the state’s Green New Deal into law on July 18.
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Industry Hero Blockchain Digital Currency Mintz
Smart contracts are an integral part of blockchain and distributed ledger technologies; the latter has seen a dramatic increase in mainstream commercial use. We explore the rise of the smart legal contract.
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